Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Birthday Skirt for Abbi

Abbi, my niece, had a birthday coming up and I wanted to make her a fun skirt. Here's the sketch I drew up.

I decided to make the flower centers the pockets as well.

After I'd stitched the pockets I drew my skirt out on the fabric. The scrap of denim that I was working with was not wide enough so I just used it as an opportunity to add another design element to the skirt.

Hemming the ruffle with green wooly nylon. The ruffle was made from more scraps of fabric that were laying around! I used my ruffling foot to gather the ruffle. I LOVE my ruffling foot!

The same fabric as the ruffle was used to make the casing for the elastic.

Fabric that's not wide enough turns into a fun design element!

A skirt for Abbi!

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